All about me…

Hello & olá!


Today is a very important day for me because one of my dreams came true.

Thanks to Jonathanbriggs that gave to me this opportunity. I am really excited and I want to start publishing here. Unfortunately I do not have Internet at home yet so it will be difficult for me.


I would like to show you a beautiful place in Brazil (Santa Catarina) where I visited last easter, it’s just beautiful. I will post more pictures soon.

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posted under My views
7 Comments to

“Hello & olá!”

  1. On November 22nd, 2007 at 1:04 am David Says:

    epa mano, dou toda forca nessa cena, to com sono mas depois darei um look profundo e concerteza alguma coisa dessa minha cabeca grande ira sair pra ajudar-te neste nosso site… epa tas fino tens website hehehehehe… the dream is becoming true

    Nuno Marques responde: Obrigado mano, o teu suporte é importante e claro que tudo que vier irá de algum modo contribuir para que a gente melhore! Um abraço!


  2. On November 25th, 2007 at 12:53 am Delcio Says:

    Who was the photographer…i bet this must be a great place to be for a holidays, but i dont believe u went there just for tourism…hehe


  3. On November 25th, 2007 at 1:20 am Delcio Says:

    E as fotos oficiais que tiramos pro site?


  4. On December 3rd, 2007 at 7:09 pm karina M Says:

    e mesma assim mano, devagar e bem xegamos la… forca i know you can do it… love ya


  5. On December 19th, 2007 at 12:53 am Iliana Says:

    wow I liked your website its very creative , everything is well organized and well structured. Well done beijos


  6. On January 12th, 2008 at 12:16 am Miss J Says:

    Mano amei o teu website segunda vez q ca passo qualquer coisa q precises conta cmg ya cuidate e nunca mudes jinho grande


  7. On June 26th, 2008 at 9:14 pm joelson almeida Says:

    come boy tudo em sima olha passei para dar uma vista de olho no teu website e vejo que ele esta a ir muito bem comtinua asim sempre que poder eu passo para comtribuir no sucesso do teu website. fica bem e bom trabalho fuiii


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